TPUG - Toronto PET Users Group
TPUG Users Group CD
TPUG Users Group CD.iso
S-Super PET
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File List
45 lines
1 nam ** crt.asm ** ref ex18m.asm
2 xdef crt
3 xref openf_
4 xref closef_
5 xref initstd_ ;init.kbd,crt
6 xref fputnl_
7 xref fputchar_
8 0000 34 16 crt pshs x,d
9 0002 BD 00 00 jsr initstd_;init.std i/o
10 0005 CC 00 4F ldd #mode ;load address of file mode
11 0008 34 06 pshs d
12 000A CC 00 47 ldd #outfile;load address of file name
13 000D BD 00 00 jsr openf_
14 0010 32 62 leas 2,s
15 0012 FD 00 51 std outptr
16 0015 8E 80 00 ldx #$8000
17 0018 86 50 nxtline lda #$50 ;80char per line
18 001A 4A letter deca
19 001B 2B 12 bmi newline
20 001D E6 80 ldb ,x+
21 001F 34 12 pshs x,a ;save x,a
22 0021 34 06 pshs d
23 0023 FC 00 51 ldd outptr
24 0026 BD 00 00 jsr fputchar_ ;display it
25 0029 32 62 leas 2,s
26 002B 35 12 puls a,x ;restore a,x
27 002D 20 EB bra letter
28 002F FC 00 51 newline ldd outptr
29 0032 34 10 pshs x
30 0034 BD 00 00 jsr fputnl_ ;empty buffer and newline
31 0037 35 10 puls x
32 0039 8C 87 2E cmpx #$872e ;do 23 lines only
33 003C 25 DA blo nxtline
34 003E FC 00 51 ldd outptr ;finished
35 0041 BD 00 00 jsr closef_
36 0044 35 16 puls d,x
37 0046 39 rts
38 0047 70 72 69 6E outfile fcc "printer"
39 004E 00 fcb 0
40 004F 77 mode fcc "w"
41 0050 00 fcb 0
42 0051 outptr rmb 2
43 end
0053 bytes of object code (ASM6809 V1.1 00:18:56)